TEDxYouth@WSHS is an independently organized event in the TED format featuring engaging talks and performances to inspire meaningful thought and conversation. As a TEDxYouth event, the content will focus on “ideas worth spreading” that are about youth and from youth in our community. This year, our theme is “open eyes,” and our speakers, performers, and TED talk videos will reveal overlooked issues and share eye-opening experiences. Here on our Tumbr blog, we’ll post updates about the event as well as TED talks, articles, quotes, and more that relate to our event and theme. Date: May 13, 2017 Time: afternoon, (tentatively) 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm Location: White Station High School auditorium, 514 South Perkins Road, Memphis, TN, 28117 Theme: Open eyes TED event listing link: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/20378 TEDxYouth@WSHS